tanning in dimaluan beach

if you want to catch the last rays of summer sun, do take heed of a valuable lesson on tanning. before peeling off those articles of clothing to reveal that fantabulous and pricey FHMish two-piece swim suit, do check that the label is discreetly tucked. people don't give a fart's ass if you flash that celebrtiy-priced billabong, heck it will be out of vogue next summer anyway. and chances are you're never wearing them again in next year's company outing and be photographed in the same pair as this year's. or worse, egad, post photos on your friendster account wearing (god forbid) the same pair. that is just earth shattering, isn't it. (excuse me while i barf).
so, keep those labels in check and tucked. why?
beacuse, deary, if you fancy rolling on and off your back under the sun trying to bake your skin like a roasted Kenny Rogers to achieve that oh-so-in-thing glorious tan and bronze-as-a-statue skin complexion, you wouldn't want to have that unsightly little pale patch, couresty of said label, sticking out of that tan line. picture your behind looking like an envelope flap with a misplaced stamp. hardly sexy, i know. and the sad thing about it is that annoying little pale patch will take time, a looong time, to blend in with the rest of your skin color. not unless you hit the beach again and bake you skin all over again and wear a lola-sized bottom to cover up that patch.
how do i know this? go figure. :p

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