Have you ever been caught wearing the same set of clothes form the previous day by the same people whom you partied with the night before?
I had a good excuse. I was sloshed. Wasted beyond my normal capacity for alcohol. I could still taste the vodka down my throat. Hey, it was new year’s.
That and I was moving to a new flat anyway and I would only get dust and dirt all over me so why bother changing?
Never ever get drunk the night before you move to a new place. There will be lots of boxes, bags, luggage, and knick-knacks involved. A bad hangover is never a good place to start unpacking, organizing, cleaning and moving furniture about. It will drag you down. Trust me, you can only do halfway through the chores before your body gives in and the excitement of living in a new place fizzles out.
And you will never ever look good on a photo:

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